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【2024 IDDSI 香港座談會:由廚房到廳堂】

//「國際吞嚥障礙飲食標準IDDSI」 是一套適用於吞嚥障礙患者的飲食框架,方便照顧者和醫護人員能夠根據框架標準,確認食物軟硬度及飲品的濃稠度。//

The Project Futurus 軟餐俠 誠邀大家參與5月17日位於 #香港科學園高錕會議中心 舉行的【2024 IDDSI 香港座談會:由廚房到廳堂】。當日,我們會展示多款軟餐菜式,大家亦有機會即場試食燒賣軟餐,讓大家一嘗口感軟滑易吞嚥的軟餐質感。此外,我們的軟餐顧問馬師傅亦會即場示範如何利用新鮮食材製作讓吞嚥困難人士都能夠進食的照燒雞軟餐,分享製作軟餐的步驟和技巧。


兼備,食得滋味!想知道更多關於軟餐的資訊,請不要錯過是次的活動!一同探究「軟餐」如何讓有需要的長者能夠食得滋味 !

【2024 IDDSI 香港座談會:由廚房到廳堂】






//The IDDSI Framework provides a common terminology to describe food textures and drink thickness. The Complete IDDSI Framework Detailed Definitions document provides detailed descriptors for all levels of the IDDSI Framework. Descriptors are supported by simple measurement methods that can be used by people with dysphagia or by caregivers, clinicians, food service professionals or industry to confirm the level a food or drink fits into.//

The Project Futurus & Captain Softmeal warmly invites you to participate in Hong Kong IDDSI in Practice: From Kitchen to Table on May 17th (Friday). The event will take place at Charles K. Kao Auditorium in Hong Kong Science Park. As a special treat, we will be offering tastings of our renowned signature softmeal dim sum and live demonstrations on how to prepare softmeal. You will also get to experience an array of Japanese mix local softmeal dishes, including Teriyaki Chicken and Cantonese dim sum.

Softmeal gives people with dysphagia the right to choose again. Softmeal not only can retain their original nutrition with taste and shape, but also are easy to swallow. It allows elderly or those with dysphagia can regain the joy of eating. If you want to learn more about softmeal, please don’t hesitate to attend this meaningful event. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet you at the event to explore how softmeals can keep in good-tasting and easy-to-swallow.

【2024 Hong Kong IDDSI in Practice: From Kitchen to Table】

Date: May 17, 2024 (Friday)

Time: 9AM to 5.30PM

Venue: Charles K. Kao Auditorium, Hong Kong Science Park

Ticket: Free to entry but pre-registration required

Register here:


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