1. 於購買貨品日期當天起計7天內聯絡本公司。
2. 貨品必須連同發票、完整無缺的包裝盒、盒內之配件、說明書等才可更換。
3. 特價貨品,不設退換/保養。
1. 人為損壞;
2. 疏忽、遺失或不適當處理貨品或配件;
3. 曾被擅自改動或修理。
* The Project Futurus Limited有權修改條款而不作另行通知,並保留最終決定權。
* 如有任何爭議,The Project Futurus Limited保留最終決定權。
Exchange Service
Subject to the following terms, customer is entitled to the 7-day guaranty exchange service for purchases with quality problems :
1. Exchange request should be made and contact us within 7 days from the date of merchandise purchased;
2. Customer must present the original invoice/receipt, user manual, warranty card (if any) together with all items
(including original packaging) included in the sale purchase; and
3. All discounted or promoted merchandises cannot be exchanged or maintained.
We reserve the right not to exchange if we found that the defect is caused by:
1. misuse, abuse or accident;
2. negligence, loss or not conforming to those specified in the User Manual;
3. altered or replaced by any other person not explicitly authorized our company.
Please note that cash refund is not available.
In the event of dispute, the decision of The Project Futurus Limited shall be Final and conclusive.
Maintenance and Warranty Service
Warranty is only valid for the warranty card has been completed and returned to the address designated on the card.
Customer should read carefully on the terms and conditions of the warranty card before return.
* The above terms and conditions are subject to change by The Project Futurus Limited without giving
prior notice to customer.
* For any disputes, The Project Futurus Limited reserves all final decision rights.