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  • Prepare the Ingredients: Remove bones and cook the necessary ingredients in advance.

  • Measure Components: Based on the weight of the ingredients, prepare the specified amounts of soft meal enzyme, water, and broth.

  • Gather Tools: a blender, digital scale, measuring cups, molds, cooking utensils, and serving containers.

Keypoints for making softmeal
  • Preparation Time: Cooking duration varies based on the ingredients used.

  • Blending Time: Blend for a minimum of 1-2 minutes, ensuring the food is smooth and free of lumps for a creamy texture.


When consuming softmeals, it’s essential to ensure that their texture aligns with the recommendations provided by your healthcare team. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult a speech therapist or healthcare professional for guidance.

3-step Softmeal Making Process
1. 攪拌 copy.jpg
Step 1: Blend

Add cooked ingredients into blender, add Suberakaze Softmeal Gellant Enzyme powder, water/stock, blend until smooth


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Step 2: Heat

Add the blended ingredients into the pan, apply medium heat until temperature reaches 80 Degrees Celsius when mixture becomes liquid in consistency. Stir if needed.

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Step 3: Shape/Mold

Pour the hot softmeal mixture into the mold, remove and serve softmeal from mold after cooling down


How much Suberakaze Softmeal Gellant Enzyme Powder is required?

The recommended Suberakaze Softmeal Gellant Enzyme Powder is 1.5% of the total weight of the ingredients and water (or stock). Depending on the patient’s swallowing ability, this can be adjusted between 0.8% and 2% of the total weight. Note that adding more enzyme will result in a firmer food texture.

Reference on ingredients, water/stock, Suberakaze Softmeal Gellant Enzyme powder:
Softmeal making demo

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