Prepare the Ingredients: Remove bones and cook the necessary ingredients in advance.
Measure Components: Based on the weight of the ingredients, prepare the specified amounts of soft meal enzyme, water, and broth.
Gather Tools: a blender, digital scale, measuring cups, molds, cooking utensils, and serving containers.
Keypoints for making softmeal
Preparation Time: Cooking duration varies based on the ingredients used.
Blending Time: Blend for a minimum of 1-2 minutes, ensuring the food is smooth and free of lumps for a creamy texture.
When consuming softmeals, it’s essential to ensure that their texture aligns with the recommendations provided by your healthcare team. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult a speech therapist or healthcare professional for guidance.
3-step Softmeal Making Process
How much Suberakaze Softmeal Gellant Enzyme Powder is required?
The recommended Suberakaze Softmeal Gellant Enzyme Powder is 1.5% of the total weight of the ingredients and water (or stock). Depending on the patient’s swallowing ability, this can be adjusted between 0.8% and 2% of the total weight. Note that adding more enzyme will result in a firmer food texture.